Working with fonts for Kazakh language is getting easier all the time. Unicode is really having and impact and the old codepage soup is slowly disappearing. Occasionally however, I still need to view a rogue Kazakh (or yesterday Kirghiz) font to find out where the characters are hiding. The Arjan Mels freeware font viewer is an oldy but a goody!
Desktop Search
Desktop search has changed the way that I look at my computer. I spend a lot less time filing — and I can now find my old notes and emails much more reliably. I am currently using Copernic Desktop Search having dumped Google Desktop. Google Desktop kept crashing Outlook. No such problems with Copernic.
Mind mapping software
I have looked for years for software that allows me to brainstorm. My friend Francis introduced me to Freemind which is now part of my working set of programs that I use daily. Freemind runs under the Java VM and is now at version .80 . Definately worth a look.
A way to backup your files (Windows XP)
Backing up files is a vital part of using IT. Unfortunately, backing up files is boring and potentially time consuming. This solution was arrived at after evaluating about 4-5 freeware, shareware and commercial alternatives. [Read more…]
Map Representation
A way of representing maps in a computer. See pdf.
Car positioning without GPS
An internal map can be matched to the integration of distance and direction measurements. See pdf.
Personal Franking Machine
I am bugged by buying stamps. What about a personal franking machine? See pdf.
Disposable Suitcase
- good for maybe 10 flights
- <$10-15 each
- same shape as conventional suitcases
- great for moving to a new area
possible design
- external plastic sheet
- middle net like a fishing net
- inner: cardboard for rigidity
seal with plastic disposable ties.
Kazakh Notes
Kazakh Notes was published in 1991 and is still being used by Kazakh language learners. The key contribution of Kazakhnotes was the consolidation of Kazakh language rules into a common framework.
Planners Work Sheet (PWS)
Under the Niche System’s label, PWS was a Foxbase program to assist planners. Based on the work of Steven Holbrook.