Don’t Repeat Yourself when Computing Relations

To say that I am "gobsmacked" is an understatement! The s(CASP) language fulfills a 40-year-old dream for a computer language that adheres to the "Don’t repeat yourself" philosophy.

s(CASP) was described in 2003 by Joaquin Arias, Manuel Carro, Elmer Salazar, Kyle Marple, and Andgopal Gupta. Constraint Answer Set Programming without Grounding. Here is a recent tutorial published for the language A Short Tutorial on s(CASP), a Goal-directed Execution of Constraint Answer Set Programs. And has been recently implemented in both Caio and SWI-PROLOG. And here is a recent review article s(CASP) + SWI-Prolog = 🔥.

Write your first s(CASP) program using the s(CASP) profile at

In this article I’ll describe by way of example, the kind of language that I have been looking for and show a small aspect of what s(CASP) can do that other languages can’t.

Forty years ago, in my undergraduate days, I was introduced to the logic programming language "Prolog". The premise of the language is that a Prolog program captures facts and rules and that Prolog ‘figures out’ how to order the computations required to answer a query. This Prolog Family Relationships example shows how Prolog doesn’t have a preferred direction of computation. The arguments are symmetric with regards to what is known and what is unknown.

As shown above, if we provide one argument Prolog will compute the other, or if we provide the "other", Prolog will compute the "one".

Dream Computer Language

My dream computer language has, at least, the following capabilities:

  • Capture data and computable relationships between data independent of the questions (or queries) that the programmer is currently aware of (unlike procedural languages but like DBMSs do for data)
  • Enter information once. For both data and computable relationships and allow any missing data to be computed. Another way of expressing this is that the language handles known and unknown arguments symmetrically, is indifferent to which arguments are known and which are unknown, creating a computation to find the missing arguments (as Prolog does for the computed relationship mother() and as SQL does for data)


I soon discovered that Prolog doesn’t keep up its indifference to the direction of computation for long. As soon as mathematical calculations are added to Prolog the paradigm of order-independent facts and rules stops working. Consider the GST in Prolog example Prolog program to calculate a 10% GST (or VAT).

As you can see from the above example, the Prolog language will only find a solution for one direction of computation. While the definition contains enough information to compute both directions to, and from Price, Prolog is unable to do so.

How does s(CASP) compare?

s(CASP) captures the pricingwithgst rule in a similar way to Prolog, but has a ‘super power’ it treats all the arguments to the rule symmetrically and therefore handles the GST example perfectly!

The s(CASP) program contains exactly the same information in the Prolog program and shows the symmetry of handling arguments that I have dreamed of!


A programming language that allows the capturing of a computed relationship (GST being a trivial example) and then doesn’t care which arguments to the relationship are known and which are unknown can reduce the cost of building and maintaining digital models to be used for various purposes.

Following on from the GST example, it is almost certain that the code behind Australia’s GST Calculator web app contains two copies of the computed relationship between Price, GST, and Price exGST, one for each direction of calculation. If s(CASP) was behind the app then the computed relationship would be entered just once as a rule, and the two directions of computation would just be two different queries with different knowns and unknowns. s(CASP) would sequence a computation to find the missing values.

Functional Programming with SQL Query lambdas, functions and pipelines

Your input and feedback on this article are welcome on

This article aims to add lambdas, functions and pipelines to the functional programming core of standard SQL, and thereby:

  • separate transformation from data,
  • increase SQL use cases
  • increase SQL code re-use
  • reduce situations where programmers need to cross the "impedance barrier" from queries to use the procedural CREATE FUNCTION, and
  • increase processing speed through full utilisation of the query planner/ optimiser,

using an approach that may be implemented at scale with reasonable cost.

The outline of this article is as follows:

  • Introduce query lambdas and the GIVEN clause, including recursive query lambdas
  • Describe query functions and query pipelines
  • Conclude with a discussion of the benefits and costs of the proposed features.

Query Lambdas

Query lambdas are the foundation of this proposal, so we will consider them first. Query lambdas have a function signature of (table_or_sub-query, ...) -> table, that is:

  • accepting one, or more, tables or sub-queries as input
  • and returning a table.

All table references within the lambda are local to it and tables in the global namespace are invisible.

Realising Query Lambdas in SQL with GIVEN

SQL’s SELECT may be turned into a lambda by prefixing it with the proposed GIVEN clause and wrapping the whole expression in brackets. The local_tables identified in the GIVEN clause are the only ones able to be referenced in the context of the SELECT and it’s sub-queries.

Here is an example lambda that sums the supplied state level population data at the country level.

select *
FROM (GIVEN(mapping(summary_id, id), rawdata(id, amount)) 
      SELECT mapping.summary_id, sum(rawdatea.amount) amount
          FROM rawdata rawdata
              JOIN mapping mapping ON =
          GROUP BY mapping.summary_id
     )((SELECT country_id summary_id, state_id id FROM states),
       (SELECT state_id id, population amount FROM population_by_states)

which may be read as:

  • apply the input relation(s)
    • (select country_id summary_id, state_id id from states) which maps states to countries as the mapping table and
    • (select state_id id, population amount from population_by_states) as the rawdata table
  • and return a population summary by country.

The query inside the lambda may be reused in any context, by passing in different tables as parameters.

This particular query lambda can be transpiled to SQL-99 as:

select *
FROM (SELECT mapping.summary_id, sum(rawdatea.amount) amount
      FROM (select state_id id, population amount from population_by_states) rawdata
               JOIN (select country_id summary_id, state_id id from states) mapping ON =
      GROUP BY mapping.summary_id

Recursive Query Lambdas

SQL provides a recursive (iterative and fixed-point) relational transformation via the CTE. This makes SQL Turing Complete.

A GIVEN clause may be used in conjunction with the WITH clause and turns a CTE into a (potentially recursive) query lambda.

The following recursive query lambda will generate a table of the first 50 integers counting from 1.

        AS (
            SELECT 1 AS n 
            UNION ALL
            SELECT n + 1 FROM enumerate WHERE n < (SELECT n from count LIMIT 1) 
SELECT n from enumerate)((SELECT 50 n));

This query lambda transpiles to SQL-99 as follows:

(WITH enumerate
        AS (
            SELECT 1 AS n 
            UNION ALL
            SELECT n + 1 FROM enumerate WHERE n < (SELECT n from (SELECT 50 n) LIMIT 1) 
SELECT n from enumerate);

Let’s now look at how query lambdas are the building blocks for query functions and pipelines.

Query Functions

SQL provides the VIEW mechanism to name queries, and the GIVEN clause causes VIEWs to become parameterised. Our example query lambdas may be turned into query functions summarise() and generate_series() as follows:

CREATE VIEW summarise(summary_id, amount) AS
    GIVEN (mapping(summary_id, id), rawdata(id, amount))
    SELECT mapping.summary_id, sum(rawdatea.amount) amount
    FROM rawdata rawdata
             JOIN mapping mapping ON =
    GROUP BY mapping.summary_id;


CREATE VIEW generate_series(n) AS
    WITH enumerate
    AS (
      SELECT 1 AS n
      SELECT n + 1 FROM enumerate WHERE n < (SELECT n from count LIMIT 1)
    SELECT n from enumerate;

The query function signature, or contract, is immediately visible in the first two lines of each!

The examples above include the declaration of the return table’s columns in brackets after the query function name. This is a feature of CTE’s backported to CREATE VIEW. In SQL-99 VIEWs must infer the returned columns from the provided SELECT.

Query Function Invocation

Just like regular VIEWs (and CTEs), query functions stand in a SELECT query in the place of a table. Query functions are invoked with the view_name followed by bracketed table, or subquery, parameters. Here is how we can invoke the query function summarise defined above.

from summarise((SELECT country_id summary_id, state_id id FROM states),
               (SELECT state_id id, population amount FROM population_by_states)

And we can generate a table of 5 numbers starting with 1 with:

from generate_series((select 5 n));

Query Pipelines

Some data transformations may be usefully modelled as a staged pipeline of changes with each stage consuming the results of an earlier stage. Here is a simple pipeline diagram that illustrates our summarisation example modelled as a two stage transformation:

Building on the definitions of query functions and lambdas, a PIPES TO compound operator is proposed to allow functional programmers to express computations using a pipeline model.

Here is the PIPES TO operator used to express this two stage pipeline:

from ( (SELECT country_id summary_id, state_id id FROM states)
      PIPES TO
      summarise((SELECT state_id id, population amount FROM population_by_states) );

Notice that this invocation of summarise() has just one parameter. In this case the first parameter is provided by the PIPES TO compound operator.

Transpilation to SQL-99 is straight forward. The PIPES TO compound operator may be reduced to application of query functions, by moving the left-handed expression to be the first parameter of the right-hand expression, and thence to SQL-99 as shown above. Here is the PIPES TO reduced to query functions.

select *
from (SELECT *
      from summarise((SELECT country_id summary_id, state_id id FROM states),
                     (SELECT state_id id, population amount FROM population_by_states)

Discussion of costs and benefits

Adding a new feature to the SQL standard needs to have compelling benefits and manageable implementation costs.

Implementation costs

My high-level estimate is that the implementation costs are of O(costs of adding CTEs as part of SQL99). At this early stage in the lifecycle of query lambdas, functions, and pipelines there is much uncertainty, however here are a few factors that suggest that the implementation costs are manageable:

  • "Not the first rodeo" – the GIVEN clause operates similarly to the WITH clause in that it shapes the visible tables in the following SELECT
  • Equivalent to SQL-99 as demonstrated above, query lambdas, functions, and pipelines (just like VIEWs) are close to zero-cost abstractions. They may all be trivially reduced back to SQL-99 and made available to the query planner / optimiser to execute.
  • Clean introduction of new capabilities no changes to any legacy code is required,
  • Ergonomics overloading VIEWs with parameters is a natural extension and leverages user’s experience with built-in and CREATE FUNCTION functions.


The benefits claimed for query lambdas, functions and pipelines are not novel. They are all consequences of bringing well understood functional programming patterns to the world of SQL queries. Here is a short sketch justifying the claimed benefits:

Separate transformation from data,

From the point of view of the development team, maintaining multiple hand-coded transformation queries is hard to justify. In SQL-99 the available mechanisms for abstracting transformations and reusing them (VIEWs and CTEs) work to the extent that at every invocation they are referring to exactly the same tables and columns. In SQL-99 every query is, at it’s base, hard coded to a global namespace of tables and columns. This means that there is no mechanism to cleanly separate the query transformation from the actual data that is being processed. Query lambdas, functions and pipelines provide precisely this capability for SQL.

Increase SQL use cases

By separating the data from transformations, SQL queries becomes more attractive to organisations to encode re-usable business rules which need to be applied to multiple data sets in multiple contexts.

Increase SQL code re-use

From the point of view of the broader SQL community, hand coding every solution means that there are no libraries of SQL transformations that can become a shared resource and built on. Query functions enable SQL query transformations to be defined once and used in a myriad of contexts. A good use case here would be providing a library of hierarchy handling query functions (ie recursive CTEs) which embody the graph theoretic algorithms which can be applied to any data.

Reduce situations where programmers need to cross the "impedance barrier" from pure functional code to use the procedural CREATE FUNCTION

For the developer, the necessity in SQL-99 to hand-code every transformation for each use-case motivates programmers to cross the impedance barrier to alternative technologies to reduce or eliminate code duplication. In addition, if a programmer wants to build or use a pre-packed solution then a procedural CREATE FUNCTION is the only currently available option.

Query lambdas, functions and pipelines lessen, or remove, these drivers for programmers.

Increase processing speed through full utilisation of the query planner/ optimiser,

The relational query planner/optimiser plays a crucial role in the functional nature of SQL. It is this part of the execution environment that enables:

  • queries to be reordered and elided,
  • materialised, indexed,
  • lazily evaluated and/or
  • parallelised.

In many cases the procedural code is not able to be optimised by the planner, leading to relatively poor performance.

The "Impedance barrier" between SQL queries and procedural code is not just a cognitive load for programmers, it is also a performance blockage on real world workloads. There is current research ongoing on how to convert procedural code back into CTEs so as to boost application performance.

Query lambdas, functions and pipelines enable programmers to stay within the purely function world of SQL queries which can be executed in an optimal way by the planner / optimiser.

Last word

In summary the proposed GIVEN clause develops the pure functional core of the SQL query, improves programmer ergonomics, and broadens the use-cases for SQL and promises improved application performance.

Composable Recursive Relational Queries

Your input and feedback on this article are welcome on

Hierarchical and graph data may be transformed with relational queries that are recursive, iterative, and fixed-point. These are available in SQL through the recursive Common Table Expression (CTE):


This article argues that SQL’s CTE machinery is a distraction from the core idea of a recursive query and a hinderance to composition of queries. We propose a simpler SQL form which is equally declarative, expressive and composes nicely:


In addition, we explore how this form may be translated into Morel, a descendent of ML with relational queries.

Let’s begin by introducing a motivating example

Transitive Closure of a Tree

If we have a tree

Example Tree

This can be represented in a relation as:


The transitive closure of the tree is:

Transitive Closure of the Tree with depth shown on the edges

And this may be represented by the following relation.


Recursive CTE query

Using the Sqlite CTE form here is the query that computes the Transitive Closure given the Tree.

/* WITH RECURSIVE transitive closure of a tree (SQLITE)
   n.b. Tree's root node convention is id = parent_id
with items (id, parent_id) as (
    select 1 id, 1 parent_id
    select 2, 1
    select 3, 1
    select 4, 2
    select 5, 2
    select 6, 5
    select 7, 5
     transitive_closure (id, root_id, level) as (
         select id, id, 0
            from items
         select, tcitems.root_id, tcitems.level + 1
            from transitive_closure tcitems
            inner join items items1 on
                items1.parent_id = and
       <> items1.parent_id
select * from transitive_closure;

Focusing in on the CTE let’s analyse its parts

  • A language closure (WITH). (Note this is a different concept than transitive closure.)
  • A name
  • Core Queries and Union
  • Final query.

As it turns out 3/4 of this structure may be dropped without loss.


We propose simplifying SQL by dropping the name, the closure and the final query and simplifying the composable recursive relational query down to:

select id, id root_id, 0 level 
    from items
select, tcitems.root_id, tcitems.level + 1
    from union tcitems
        inner join items items1 on items1.parent_id = 
        and <> items1.parent_id

This form:


SELECTs the fixed-point result of the UNION without the overhead of a name (repeated three times), the closure and the final query.

This demonstrates that CTE machinery is not required to express recursive fixed point relational queries.

The simplified recursive relational query is orthogonal to all constructs in SQL and is composable:

  • if it is desired to hide some of the columns included in the recursive query, then the simplified recursive query can be wrapped in an outer SELECT, and
  • if the simplified recursive query needs to be consumed by more than one query then it can be
    • wrapped in a CTE, or
    • wrapped in a VIEW.

Multi-UNION Queries

There do need to be disambiguation rules if there are multiple UNIONs in scope. However, this is true whatever the linguistic form. See for example the multi-UNION rules for Sqlite. All non-recursive UNION sub-queries are constrained to be first, and all recursive sub-queries follow. And each recursive sub-query is presented with all generated rows from every other subquery in the UNION.


To be fair, the CTE variant of recursive queries is composable and SELECT FROM (WITH RECURSIVE …. SELECT …) works (at least in Sqlite). However, the ergonomics are poor, requiring the developer to build a mental model that includes a linguistic closure, a temporary local name, and a SELECT to pop back out of the closure. Here is the equivalent composable CTE-based query (Sqlite) with the required extra machinery in bold.

select * from (
with _unionfixedpoint (id, root_id, level) as (
select id, id root_id, 0 level from items union select, tcitems.root_id, tcitems.level + 1 from _unionfixedpoint tcitems inner join items items1 on items1.parent_id = and <> items1.parent_id)
select * from _unionfixedpoint

Application for other languages

The simplification of the recursive relational query to its essence is designed to improve developer experience and also points to a pattern for incorporating recursive queries into another language Morel.

Morel – from … union … from … in query

Having separated the idea of a recursive relational query from the CTE machinery, it becomes straight forward to propose the analog for a future release of Morel:

(from item in items 
    yield {id =,, level=0})
(from tcitem in query,
    item1 in items
    where item1.parent_id = and != item1.parent_id
    yield {id =, root_id=tcitem.root_id, level=tcitem.level+1});

The form

in query

is proposed for Morel, because ‘in union’ is too specific. Morel’s roadmap includes consideration for other UNION-like operators including unnamed lambdas.